Saturday morning the men all set their alarms for 4:30 a.m. to have a chance to see the elk. (Frank had sighted eight elk the previous morning at 4:30 and they all hoped to catch a glimpse of an elk.) When I made it downstairs a few hours later all four of them sat around a blazing fire, sipping coffee—but no elk to report.

The men had sat on the porch waiting for daybreak and all they had to report were bats! Bats circled in the yard and swooped up under the porch roof near their heads to catch mosquitoes—but no elk.

Late Friday evening, before supper, I started a jigsaw puzzle—possibly the hardest puzzle I have ever attempted, a Thomas Kincaid entitled “Almost Heaven.”

Barbara Frank, Densell, and I were the consistent puzzlers, but others dropped by to find a piece or ponder the shape and color of the piece that would go here or there. We went to bed with it about 1/3 finished. And some doubters wondered if we could finish it before time to leave.

But before supper on Saturday it was finished!
Some of the women went into Alpine to a Quilt show on Saturday morning.

Early afternoon Thomas and I took a walk and admired the Arizona wildflowers along the side of the road.

Ever so often we'd start a game of Sorry or Uno or Skip-Bo. Or someone deep into a crossword puzzle might say aloud, "...a six letter word that means 'misbehave'..." From across the room, "Do you have any letters?

We gathered in groups to talk and just be with one another.

We worked together...

...and more than once we gathered around a laptops to share photos.
Some watched TV. Others napped. Some napped while they "watched" TV! One evening friends of Bob and Rose came by and had supper with us.
All in all, the days were sort of lazy days, restful and relaxing--and we were all grateful to be together.
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