Friday, January 28, 2011

Jesus began to teach...

When God’s vision for this world is fulfilled we will see the Father’s will done in earth as it is in heaven! For that reality we pray weekly and for that reality we live daily. We live in the ‘now and the not yet’ reign of God. As we make choices to reflect God’s will here and now in anticipation of its perfection later, our life and the life of the community around us will change. We will discover the true worth of the poor and the poor in spirit for in them we will witness God’s reign! Mourners will be comforted. The meek and less powerful will receive power. Spiritual hungers will be satisfied. As God’s vision is fulfilled mercy will be abundant, the influence of God’s presence will be apparent, and God’s DNA will be recognized in the peacemakers. As God’s vision is being fulfilled in the lives of those who follow Jesus, Jesus says you can expect to be mistreated because of your faith! Matthew 5:1-12

Lives lived in relationship with God will preserve and illuminate a redeemed society framed by the rule of God. Matthew 5:13-20

As the teachings of Jesus become clearer to his followers we realize that the motivation of the heart is more important than the imposed letter of the law. Jesus says the one who demeans another person in anger is guilty of murder. The one who looks on another lewdly and lustfully has committed adultery! The thoughts of our heart and the words from our lips reveal our true nature, so our acts of devotion must also reflect a sincere and contrite heart. Matthew 5:21-37

Revenge and retaliation have no place in God’s vision for this world. Instead when God’s vision is fulfilled we will see generosity, mutual prayer, and genuine love expressed in various ways to both friend and foe. Matthew 5:38-48

Jesus says our commitment will be either to this world or to God—and the concerns of our heart will reflect our commitment. A singular focus on our spiritual well-being indicates our trust that God is involved with us and will provide for us. Matthew 6:24-34

And, finally, a confession of faith does not suffice, Jesus says! Even mighty acts of ministry fall short of fulfilling God’s vision. It is the life lived that is evidence of God’s reign—those who hear the words of Jesus and put them into practice will be like the wise who build on a solid foundation. They do not fear the storms of life. Matthew 7:21-29

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