Tuesday, August 16, 2016

#love4gabbyusa or Confession is Good for the Soul

My heart aches when I hear of the bullying messages flung at Olympic gymnast, Gabby Douglas, through social media. I still want to believe that human beings are better than that, that we can draw on our better nature or call on our better angels so we can feel empathy for others, assuming the best of them and for them. But, no, just when it seems we are "good" as the Creator declared, something like this happens, and we become the hens in the chicken house that gang up on one and peck it to near death! Are we trying to establish pecking order? What is the motive behind the bullying?

Lord, have mercy on us, a pitiful people!

Gabby's hair! Peck, peck, peck.
Gabby's performance! Peck, peck, peck.
Gabby's sour face! Peck, peck, peck.
Crabby Gabby! Peck, peck, peck.
Gabby is jealous! Peck, peck, peck. ...bloody feathers flying in all directions!

Lord, have mercy on us in our pettiness!

When I watched the women's gymnastic team receive their gold medals I noticed that Ms. Douglas held her hands to her sides during the national anthem while her teammates put their hands on their hearts, and I thought to myself, 'She will get flack for that!' ...not realizing that negative tweets already bombarded her about her physical appearance and countenance! (...if I'm understanding the sequence of events) And as I suspected, she did get flack for that!

Gabby is unpatriotic! Peck, peck, peck.

 Lord, have mercy! 

Yes, there is proper protocol for our attention toward the flag during the Pledge and during the playing of the national anthem.

  • Those in uniform give the appropriate formal salute.
  • Members of the military and veterans not in uniform may render the military salute.
  • Citizens salute by placing their right hand over the heart, removing head coverings.
  • Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention.
However, even this Wikipedia information leaves me with unanswered questions. I've heard Gabby's mother explain that they are a military family where the veterans salute the flag and the civilians stand at attention with their hands at their sides to pay honor to the flag. Her explanation is not difficult for me to accept, because as a child in public school we were instructed to stand at attention with our hands to our sides during the national anthem.  I entered the first grade in 1949.

Apparently somewhere between 1966 and 1982 (the years we lived abroad), that particular anthem protocol changed! Our family returned to the United States in November 1982 after living sixteen years in Switzerland and Germany. Our three children, ages almost 14, almost 13, and 7, all American citizens born abroad, had to adjust to the American culture as home for the first time. The adjustment was not easy for them, and in fact, it was not easy for my husband and me, either!

One day after school, out of the blue, one of our daughters said to me, "Mother, I can't put my hand over my heart when I say the Pledge of Allegiance because my heart belongs to Jesus." 

Lord, help us to see this world through the eyes of a child!

The truth of her simple confession cut to the core of my being--and to this day I can't think of it without tears welling up in my eyes. My heart belongs to Jesus! From that day to this, I have stood with my hands to my sides to express my love for the Lord and my respect for my country... in that order and to that degree. In reality, I am doing what I was taught to do as a child: stand at attention with your hands to your sides when the national anthem is played. Now, that expression of respect is declared unpatriotic!  

Lord, help us!

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to carry an American passport and enjoy the privileges it affords. I appreciate every woman and man who serves our country in the military and defends our flag. I honor those who died for our freedom. I do not take my American citizenship lightly, but I also remember that as a follower of Jesus, my true citizenship is in heaven! (...as heretical as that sounds to our American ears!) 

As followers of Christ we must not forget that we are in the world, but not of the world! We give to the secular government what belongs to the secular government and we give to God what belongs to God! Our heart belongs to our Lord. God's love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us. I pledge my allegiance to God as revealed in Jesus Christ and I stand with my hands to my side as the anthem is played or the pledge spoken.

Today I stand against all forms of bullying. #love4gabbyusa
Today I stand with my hands at my side to show respect for the flag.
My heart belongs to Jesus.

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