Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What makes a Christian nation Christian?

I wonder if scripture sustains the idea that a nation can be Christian?

It has been a long time since I studied history, but I thought that one of the reasons the persecuted Christians came from Europe to America was to establish a nation with freedom of religion, not just freedom for Christians to worship but a nation that provided a safe place for anyone to exercise their faith.

As I recall, the European nations with state churches (either Protestant or Catholic) persecuted anyone who varied from the stated Christianity. The Catholics persecuted Protestants and Protestants persecuted one another! Did those nations consider themselves Christian nations because their state church was Christian? (I don't know the answer to that question.)

When President Obama said our nation was not a Christian nation I heard his statement in that context. Without a state church, can a nation be considered Christian? In scripture the word Christian refers to followers of Christ--not a nation, not a book store, not a rock-band, etc. So I wonder if scripture will sustain the idea that a secular nation can be called a Christian nation.

Why is it important to our faith in Christ that the United States of America be considered Christian?

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